Nottinghamshire Police have revealed a new Constable dedicated to our village.
PC Stephen Piper has joined PCSO Philip Evans to focus on neighbourhood policing in Ruddington. He is promising to engage with the public and respond to the key policing priorities here. PC Piper, who has more than 20 years of experience as a response officer in the Metropolitan Police and in Nottinghamshire, says he’s received a very positive reaction from residents.
He has already been out and about meeting members of the public at our August Village Market [top photo}, taken part in a bike marking event at Rushcliffe Country Park and plans to attend future meetings of Ruddington Parish Council (RPC). Motorists may also have spotted him responding to concerns about speeding by hitting the pavements with a speed gun, to deter nuisance motorists.
“I’ve enjoyed getting out on foot and meeting people, and hope to continue this in the coming weeks” says PC Piper. “Being a community officer is very different to being a response officer. You get the time to engage with the community and follow jobs through from start to finish. I’m keen to hear people’s concerns and look forward to concentrating on key rural crime issues like speeding and vehicle crime, which are highlighted to us all the time.”

Our new Bobby reveals he enjoys cycling and golf when not on the beat Also with a new role at Rushcliffe Police is PC Dan Clarke, who has become the beat manager at Keyworth.
Inspector Rob Lawton, Rushcliffe’s neighbourhood policing inspector, says: “It’s great news for the communities of Ruddington and Keyworth to have new officers in post. Steve and Dan have got off to a great start and are already making a difference to the lives of people who live in those villages.
He adds: “They will be keen to hear about your concerns so if you see them out and about please go and say hello.”
Inspector Lawton has also advised that his team will no longer be providing monthly recorded crime figures for our village, previously published here and in RPC’s ‘The Rudd’ newsletter. However, less detailed Ruddington statistics will be posted periodically on the Nottinghamshire Police website >>HERE<<.